Montag, 30. Juni 2008


- The Gestapo was the nazi german secret police. After the war it was said to be a criminal organisation which commited crimes against humanity and murder. The Gestapo was involved in deporatations and the "administration" of the holocaust.
- ss: The SS was founded as a special organisation to protect Adolf Hitler. In the Nuremberg Trials the SS was condemned to be a criminal organisation because of it´ key role in the holocaust and other war crimes and crimes against humanity. Part of the SS were so-called "Death Squads" which were founded to retaliate upon civilians in occupied countries if a member of the SS or Wehrmacht was injured or killed by the local resistance. Often whole villages and small cities were wiped out.


- nazism: Nazism or National Socialism is a radical antisemitic, racist, anti-communistic and anti-democratic mentality. It refers to the "ideology" of the nazis and Adolf Hitler.


- Auschwitz(-Birkenau) is the largest of the nazi concentration and extermination camps. About 1,1 million people were murdered in the camp. Auschwitz is the german name which was given to the camp by the nazis. The name of the polish city nearby the camp is Oswiecim.


- Auschwitz(-Birkenau) is the largest of the nazi concentration and extermination camps. About 1,1 million people were murdered in the camp. Auschwitz is the german name which was given to the camp by the nazis. The name of the polish city nearby the camp is Oswiecim.
- sturmtruppen: a common name for german soldiers during wwI. there is a very popular comic fro italy with the same name but linked to the stadiumname and the logo-colours it´s surely not meant that way.


- Auschwitz(-Birkenau) is the largest of the nazi concentration and extermination camps. About 1,1 million people were murdered in the camp. Auschwitz is the german name which was given to the camp by the nazis. The name of the polish city nearby the camp is Oswiecim.


- hitler: as a result of Hitlers "policy" about 39 million people died or were killed europe.
- birkenau: Auschwitz(-Birkenau) is the largest of the nazi concentration and extermination camps. About 1,1 million people were murdered in the camp. Auschwitz is the german name which was given to the camp by the nazis. The name of the polish city nearby the camp is Oswiecim.


- The National Socialist German Workers Party with the "leader" Adolf Hitler gained unlimited power during 1933 and 1945.
- Nazism or National Socialism is a radical antisemitic, racist, anti-communistic and anti-democratic mentality. It refers to the "ideology" of the nazis and Adolf Hitler.


- white power: White Power is like a slogan of neo-nazis. According to their white supremacy "ideology" white people are superior. It contains xenophobia, racial segregation, anti-semitism, racism and discrimination of other non-white groups. well it could be a miserable accident but GMs should clear this.


- the alias is just not written correctly but anyone knows what is meant: thr schutzstaffel: The SS was founded as a special organisation to protect Adolf Hitler. In the Nuremberg Trials the SS was condemned to be a criminal organisation because of it´ key role in the holocaust and other war crimes and crimes against humanity. Part of the SS were so-called "Death Squads" which were founded to retaliate upon civilians in occupied countries if a member of the SS or Wehrmacht was injured or killed by the local resistance. Often whole villages and small cities were wiped out.


- another case to ask and/or discuss: germania is very common and popular for names of football clubs but the name has the meaning of the so called "reich germania", too and as the stadiumname refers to it the GMs should ask.


- maybe this is just a miserable accident because the team comes from sweden and the name viking is therefore very common but "division viking" was a very popular ss (schutzstaffel) unit during wwII.


- in this case "blitzkrieg" is surely not meant in the "ramones" and "punk" way: the bop is missing and with the stadiumname in mind you can make up your mind yourself.


- skrewdriver is a very popular neo-nazi band. here even linked to the schutzstaffel "ss". The SS was founded as a special organisation to protect Adolf Hitler. In the Nuremberg Trials the SS was condemned to be a criminal organisation because of it´ key role in the holocaust and other war crimes and crimes against humanity.


- again: it´s all about names. the question here is a questions the GMs should ask the user: what´s it all about. surely blitzkrieg itself is nothing you can report, 1933 if it stands alone either. but here blitzkrieg is linked to the date/year when the nazis took the power in germany.


- Wolfsschanze (English: Wolf's Lair, Polish: Wilczy Szaniec) is the name for Adolf Hitlers World War II Eastern Front military headquarters. linked to this:
- The "18" is the number code for Adolf Hitler. The first letter of the alphabet (A) and the eight (H) the initials of Hitler.


- ok, something special here. during world war II there was a volunteer military korps of ukraine nationalists fighting with nazi-germany and the wehrmacht against the soviets. the korps was installed out of two bataillons and of them was named "nachtigall". the bataillon "nachtigall" was involved in a war crime in the years 1941 which took place in the city of lemberg when they killed jewish habitants of the city for the wrong accusation that they themselves had killed 4000 political prisonners which in fact was done by the soviet nkwd.


- Wolfsschanze (English: Wolf's Lair, Polish: Wilczy Szaniec) is the name for Adolf Hitlers World War II Eastern Front military headquarters.


- Kategorie C has two components. In first place the police names violent fangroups or hooligans like this - often you can´t draw a line between hooligans and rightextremist fans here. The second component is a german rock-band with this name. Even though it´s said to be a "rock" band they are clearly linked to the neo-nazi scene. The band takes about every opportunity to play concerts and festivals with neo-nazi-bands. They even played a solidarity concert for a imprisoned adjudged neo-nazi.


- Kategorie C has two components. In first place the police names violent fangroups or hooligans like this - often you can´t draw a line between hooligans and rightextremist fans here. The second component is a german rock-band with this name. Even though it´s said to be a "rock" band they are clearly linked to the neo-nazi scene. The band takes about every opportunity to play concerts and festivals with neo-nazi-bands. They even played a solidarity concert for a imprisoned adjudged neo-nazi.

Mittwoch, 4. Juni 2008


- this is really weird: i don´t know why this user wasn´t shown in several searchings. he plays quite long with the alias i this is something i look for almost every week. ????
- The Waffen SS was the paramilitary combat arm of the Schutzstaffel SS. The Waffen SS was condemned at the Nuremberg Trials as a criminal organisation due to the political connections to the NSDAP and the involvement in war crimes and the holocaust.
- Even though the term Wehrmacht is originally not from the nazis and was mentioned in files after WW I the German Military was officially named like this in 1935. Every soldier and officer who was member of the Wehrmacht had to swear a personal oath of loyaltiy to the Führer Adolf Hitler as he was namend. The picture of the wehrmacht has very much changed since the mid 1990s when proofs came to public that the Wehrmacht was involved in many warcrimes, too - not just the SS. Finally the SS can be seen as a part of the Wehrmacht because it was organisationally under the sphere of power of the OKW (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht).


- Kategorie C has two components. In first place the police names violent fangroups or hooligans like this - often you can´t draw a line between hooligans and rightextremist fans here. The second component is a german rock-band with this name. Even though it´s said to be a "rock" band they are clearly linked to the neo-nazi scene. The band takes about every opportunity to play concerts and festivals with neo-nazi-bands. They even played a solidarity concert for a imprisoned adjudged neo-nazi.


- Kategorie C has two components. In first place the police names violent fangroups or hooligans like this - often you can´t draw a line between hooligans and rightextremist fans here. The second component is a german rock-band with this name. Even though it´s said to be a "rock" band they are clearly linked to the neo-nazi scene. The band takes about every opportunity to play concerts and festivals with neo-nazi-bands. They even played a solidarity concert for a imprisoned adjudged neo-nazi.

Dienstag, 3. Juni 2008


just have a look at #249!
seems to be one of those cases some poeple say it´s not that clear. but it´s about the names and not about a proof for the mentality of the user. but if the proof was missing as some might claim: there you got it!

- napola: nationalpolitische erziehungsanstalt (national political academy (or reformatory)). those were like schools with the aim: „Erziehung zu Nationalsozialisten, tüchtig an Leib und Seele für den Dienst an Volk und Staat“ (education to become a national socialist...). it was to build up a new so-called "füherergeneration".
- Combat18/C18 is a nationalsocialist terroristic organisation and the armed wing of the Blood and Honour network. The 18 stands for the first and eight letter of the alphabet A and H the initials of Adolf Hitler.
- well germania can´t be used like this in the sense of a footballstadiumname so there is only one way it is meant. maybe you notice it now.
- about the werwolf read posting #249.


- Auschwitz(-Birkenau) was the largest of the nazi concentration and extermination camps. About 1,1 million people were murdered in the camp. Auschwitz is the german name which was given to the camp by the nazis. The name of the polish city nearby the camp is Oswiecim.


- this guy is using the logo of the "ss totenkopfverbände" for his team: The SS-Totenkopfverbände were like a Sonderkommando to guard the concentration and extermination camps. Later during the period of the Third Reich the Totenkopfverbände were included in the Waffen SS. The organisation commited a large number of war crimes and was mainly involved in the "Endlösung der Judenfrage" The Final Solution to the Jewish Question).


- White Pride is a slogan to promote the heritage of people with a "white european racial identity".


- an aryan player from hungary!? there is no need for aryans in a global football-manager.
- the number code "88" stands for the hitler salute.

Sonntag, 1. Juni 2008


i have to say it clearly: same thing as with the last hitler case: GMs you did a wack job! maybe a school lesson would help to improve knowledge!

- adolf hitler: no comment!
- passed the sign-up because in this country some people have never heard of hitler i guess.