Sonntag, 27. Januar 2008


- this is a neo-nazi dickhead in all parts of his team.
- r.a.c.: means "rock against communism" and is a campaign of fascist rockbands. the neo-nazi network blood & honour has its roots in the rac scene.
- ian stuart is/was the singer of the fascist band skrewdriver and forced the rac campaign.
- 88: code for heil hitler


- division88: is a very popular sign (motiv) and nickname for fascists or neo-nazis in all parts of everyday life. no matter if internet boards or t-shirt designs.


- as this guy is using a part of a nazi-slogan (über alles) in his alias i would say the "ss" he is using, too in the team- and stadiumname is not meant in the "italian way".


- wolfsschanze: headquarter of adolf hitler during world war II. a clear "no go" in ht.

Dienstag, 22. Januar 2008


- a clear case: hitler as stadiumname isn´t causing any doubts.
- and in this case the "ss" of the team should be removed, too because even if this guy is from italy you can tell that the "ss" is not used in the "italian way" when linked to fascism.


- normally "skinhead" or "88" itself wouldn´t cause any actions by the gm´s but in combination it is quite obvious what kind of mentality this guy has.


- landser is a no-go in ht.


- landser: soldiers of the wehrmacht were called landser. if i remeber right the team was already reported for this name longtime ago so it seems as if he changed back. landser is a no-go in ht.


- wolfsschanze: hq of adolf hitler during wwII
- if you read the alias backwards you´ll read "hitler adolf"

Dienstag, 8. Januar 2008


- rudolf hess was hitler´s deputy in the nazi party. he was responsible for the "chase" of jews in poland and installed segregation laws.


- white pride is a slogan used by racists to promote their "idea" of the supremacy of what they call (white) european race.


- 1488: clear neo-nazi code (14 words/88=heil hitler)


- 1488: clear neo-nazi code (14 words/88=heil hitler).
combat 18: armed terrororganisation of the neo-nazi network blood & honour
25.01.08: the guy now changed his stadiumname into "gdynia wp 88": wp standas for white power (racist movement) and 88 as mentioned above.


- i don´t know what you guys think and maybe this is a bit of political correctness and maybe it´s not even beyond the pale but as the term "concentration camp" is clear linked to murder and genocide - no matter in which country and no matter of the time - i would say it´s not acceptable. it´s not funny!


- i don´t know what you guys think and maybe this is a bit of political correctness and maybe it´s not even beyond the pale but as the term "concentration camp" is clear linked to murder and genocide - no matter in which country and no matter of the time - i would say it´s not acceptable. it´s not funny!


- well, it couldn´t be more clear. ns with the neo-nazi-code "88" and in the alias even the clear and among fascists popular "1488"-code (14 words of the racist white supremacy slogan and the code for heil hitler).


- "waw" (weißer arischer widerstand) is the german pendant of the us-"war" (white aryan resistance) a racist organisation/movement. with the neo-nazi-code "88" very clear.


- the alias refers to erich von manstein a ns-general (of the nazi-wehrmacht). he was a convinced nazi and believed in the "endsieg". he was not willing to support the resistance of the wehrmacht against hitler. he accepted the genocide of jews and was found guilty of having commited warcrimes. the nazi-code "88" is clear link to von manstein imo.