Freitag, 29. Februar 2008


- napola: nationalpolitische erziehungsanstalt (national political academy (or reformatory)). those were like schools with the aim: „Erziehung zu Nationalsozialisten, tüchtig an Leib und Seele für den Dienst an Volk und Staat“ (education to become a national socialist...). it was to build up a new so-called "füherergeneration".
- with the stadiumname in mind: werwolf, was a organisation founded by himmler at the end of wwII which should fight in the uderground and make assassination attepts to allied.
- the teamname therefore is not the germania which is very common for soccer clubs because then there should be the name of a city or village after the germania: but this is missing. so the nazi-idea of the welthauptstadt germania could be meant by this.


- Auschwitz(-Birkenau) is the largest of the nazi concentration and extermination camps. About 1,1 million people were murdered in the camp. Auschwitz is the german name which was given to the camp by the nazis. The name of the polish city nearby the camp is Oswiecim.


- stuka: sturzkampfflugzeug. with the term stuka those air force planes are meant which were used during the first part of wwII by the nazis. here the term is linked to "ss" and at the stadiumname and the alias you can clearly that is is not used in the italian way.


- stahlgewitter is a neo-nazi band.


- KDF: kraft durch freude, this was a political organisation in the third reich with the aim to observe the leisure of people and to bring into line. very well-known is the seaside resort of pro on the island rügen. the complex was with a lenght of almost 5km one of the biggest buildings at that time.


- hitlerion: just another english term which means something like the hitler-state. i tried to contact the user but he deleted my message. so i think you can put two and two together.


- we had the exact case several months before. but last time there was a logo, too if i remember right. "kreuzfeuer" is a neo-nazi band from germany. members of the band were condemned because of the gloryfication of nazism and because of incitement of the people.


- i don´t want to pillory this user but maybe some gm should have a look at his birthdate. konkwista88 is a neo-nazi band from poland. so the teamname and code used in the alias is a bit, well suspicious.


- Kategorie C has two components. In first place the police names violent fangroups or hooligans like this - often you can´t draw a line between hooligans and rightextremist fans here. The second component is a german rock-band with this name. Even though it´s said to be a "rock" band they are clearly linked to the neo-nazi scene. The band takes about every opportunity to play concerts and festivals with neo-nazi-bands. They even played a solidarity concert for a imprisoned adjudged neo-nazi.


- Even though the term Wehrmacht is originally not from the nazis and was mentioned in files after WW I the German Military was officially named like this in 1935. Every soldier and officer who was member of the Wehrmacht had to swear a personal oath of loyaltiy to the Führer Adolf Hitler as he was namend. The picture of the wehrmacht has very much changed since the mid 1990s when proofs came to public that the Wehrmacht was involved in many warcrimes, too - not just the SS. Finally the SS can be seen as a part of the Wehrmacht because it was organisationally under the sphere of power of the OKW (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht).

conclusion: i personally would very much appreciate if the stupid nazi-military stuff is locked forever. - i think most user i know think so. fact is that you can´t draw a line between some military-fandom (which is kind of sick when it comes to the wehrmacht) and fascists and neo-nazis.


- The name refers to a BBC documentary about the fangroup "Headhunters" of the club. Among the group racism was widespread, KKK related stuff was found and they were even linked to the organisations like Combat 18. Several members were imprisoned.

Montag, 25. Februar 2008


- the alias refers to the neo-nazi/hatecore band.
- stadium and teamname refers to hatecore - music with racist lyrics.


- skrewdriver: neo nazi band
- hatecore: music genre which today is mainly played be rightextremists
- teamname: well, it completes the picture. - i don´t believe in coincidence


- civico88 is a neo-nazi band and part of the rac (rock against communism) "network".


- civico88 is neo-nazi band and part of the rac (rock against communism) "network". besides this there is the "88" code used in the alias and the teamname.


- prusssian blue is a us-teenager-girl-duo which sings nationalsocialist and racist songs (for example gloryfying songs about Hitler and Heß). the duo is very popular among neo-nazis world wide. partly the songs are that bad that for the german market some songs couldn´t be released on CD because of legal regulation.


- a swedish aryan. the alias is kind of dubious, too. after having the teamname in mind it could refer to the third reich or eichmann, too.


- IV reich: is a term used by neo-nazis. after the third reich the IV. reich will follow when they take over the power. - that´s what they think.


- treblinka: treblinka is the name of a extermination camp in Poland where 750.000 people were murdered.
- belzec: belzec is an extermination camp in poland. the nazis kept account on the murdered people - about 434.508 people were killed in the gas chambers of the camp and then hastily buried in common graves. when there were no more people to kill the bodies were exhumed and burned on huge grids made out of railway tracks. to camouflage what had happened the camp was demolished and a farm was build on the territory.


- hans urlich rudel: Rudel was pilot in the wehrmacht and after ww II still convinced national socialist. after the war rudel helped war criminals to flee from being imprisoned. he became a member of the rightextremist political party "deutsche reichspartei". with other nazis in argentina he protected the real identity of one of most wanted men world wide at this time: josef mengele.


- "88" the code of the hitler salute "heil hitler" linked here to the initials of hitler (AH) in the stadiumname. and if it wasn´t enough the term "gedächtnis" is written false with "ss" (schutzstaffel) at the end. - i don´t believe in coincidence.

Mittwoch, 20. Februar 2008


- adolf hitler arena! no comment!


- i have no idea why someone from sweden should name his stadium after the concentration camp treblinka. BUT: treblinka was not "only" a concentration camp, it was a so-called vernichtungslager (extermination camp). about 750.000 people were killed in the camp from july 1942 to october 1943.


- auschwitz III is another name of the work camp monowitz of the nazis which was like a subcamp of auschwitz. regularly "doctors" from auschwitz-birkenau came to this subcamp to select weak and sick forced laborer for the gaschambers of auschwitz-birkenau. from about 20.000 forced laborer (the number differ from 20k to 25k) only about 650 survived. the average "time of survival" was about 3 months. for example from the 4000 workers of the camp at the turn of the year 1942/1943 only about 2000 were still alife in februrary 1943.


- i really have no idea why wehrmacht should be tolerated. historically the term existed before the nazis but the connotation is clearly the military of the third reich. the wehrmacht commited war crimes and fought the so-called "vernichtungskrieg" and wanted the "endsieg". the soldiers had to swear an oath on adolf hitler. the wehrmacht is clearly linked to war, murder, holocaust and genocide because of its role in wwII.


- "mein kampf" is a book written by adolf hitler. in this case it is not written correctly. well anyway we know what is meant.

Montag, 18. Februar 2008

#224 - this can´t be true!

i have to say this: the gamemaster who let this team through the registration control is really an... ! and i would even say he is not doing his job. so why the heck is he gamemaster anyway!? i bookmarked this team when i made a research on the alias. at this time the names/team had not passed the control. it´s been now about 10 days and 10 days time for the gm to check. but he did not check anything - obviously! the sad thing about this is not that stupid fucking muppet who registrated! the sad thing is that this is not the first time that gm´s from this country did not care or worked on a report only after several reminders.

i mean it hardly can´t be more obvious than "himmler" and "waffen ss"!

but well just another case which shows clearly that some don´t care, are not doing their job, don´t know about historical things what in fact all leads to something i told long time ago: get a filter, get a database - this would make it impossible. if i guess right names like these are even mentioned in the gm´s guidelines.

well, what can i say?


things like that really drive me crazy!

Dienstag, 12. Februar 2008


- rahowa: this is a neo-nazi racist code and means racial holy war! (just google).


- auschwitz as stadiumname: no comment!


- neo-nazi-code 1488: this stands for the so-called white supremacy slogan 14 words (just google it) and 88 (heil hitler). it´s very popular among neo-nazis. and with this "white" term here there ar no doubts.


- "mein kampf" is a book written by adolf hitler. i don´t think more information is necessary.


- this guy is already on the blog. somewhere under the first 100 i think. he had an alias with the neo-nazi-code "1488". - if i remember right. but i guess so. now he switched it to another neo-nazi-term "wolfsangle". i know it is a very common sign for coat of arms but a nazi-code (sign), too and with the background og this team we all know what is meant.

Sonntag, 3. Februar 2008


- a very evil case i must say!!! this team should immediately be locked.
- the schutzstaffel "ss" played a key role in the genocide of the jews and the holocaust and other crimes against humanity - it was a criminal organisation.
- the name of the youthacademy "hitlerjugend" (hilter youth) is as bad as the other name. the hitler youth was a paramilitary organisation of the nazi party "nsdap".
- the stadiumname of the youth academy refers to the nazi organisation "lebensborn" - maybe he just wrote it false without recognizing because on the key pad the "l" and the "i" are nearby. well, anyway lebensborn was organisation for raising the child rate of the so-called aryan race.


- in this case i would intercede as gamemaster. sure "hh" can mean anything and nothing but here in the alias the neo-nazi-code "88" is used which means the same as the code "hh": heil hitler.


- "führer" was the "nickname" for adolf hitler - the fact that it is written fuhrer here is due to the missing umlaut on the italian key pad. linked to another neo-nazi-code "88" (heil hitler) makes it even more clear.


- the führerbunker was the headquarter of adolf hitler in berlin during wwII. even though the teamname is not really a nazi-term (or the guy didn´t know it better) it refers to the wehrmacht commandos "sturmtruppen" - with the link to adolf hitler it´s surely not meant to refer to the italian war comic "sturmtruppen".


- "sieg heil" is best known as the hitler-salute. no doubts in this case.


- normally the word/term "skinhead" or "skins" is not a reason for a report but in this case it is linked to the neo-nazi-code "88" (heil hitler) and therefore actions should be taken.