Mittwoch, 30. Juli 2008




- Lebensborn was an organisation with a programme which was restricted to aryans who were "biologically fit" and "racially pure". It was established by Heinrich Himmler.


- White Power is like a slogan of neo-nazis. According to their white supremacy "ideology" white people are superior. It contains xenophobia, racial segregation, anti-semitism, racism and discrimination of other non-white groups.
- number code 18: The "18" is the number code for Adolf Hitler. The first letter of the alphabet (A) and the eight (H) the initials of Hitler.


- aryan and "88"! any questions?


- just to ensure i don´t post this guy and he is somekind of religious i asked him what the alias is about: the answer is this:


- well, i asked this user if he could explain me why his alias is what it is. no answer is an answer, too!


- This is the most popular neo-nazi code! 14 stands for "14 words" (a racial slogan) and "88" for "Heil Hitler" (the Hitler Salute). It is often used to show the mentality and/or as salutation in emails etc.


- neo-nazi code 1488! This is the most popular neo-nazi code! 14 stands for "14 words" (a racial slogan) and "88" for "Heil Hitler" (the Hitler Salute). It is often used to show the mentality and/or as salutation in emails etc.


- an aryan with the neo-nazi code 1488!

Donnerstag, 24. Juli 2008


- volkssturm (written wrong here): the army of non-soldiers was named volkssturm because in the last days of wwII there were no soldiers left so anyone who could hold a rifle or gun became part of the military - even kids and i think women, too. many of them died because they had no idea of what they were doing and they had to fight. so against the military and strategy of the alies they had no chance. often people just walking on the streets were like kidnaped and became soldiers. there even exist photos of executions of people who normally would have been soldiers but tried to escape by leaving the cities.
- nazi: Nazism or National Socialism is a radical antisemitic, racist, anti-communistic and anti-democratic mentality. It refers to the "ideology" of the nazis and Adolf Hitler.
- hitlerjugend: The Hitler Youth was a paramilitary organization of the Nazi Party.

- ultranacionalist: well maybe it´s not against the rules to name a stadium like this but it shows clearly the mentality of the user i would say.


- Even though the term Wehrmacht is originally not from the nazis and was mentioned in files after WW I the German Military was officially named like this in 1935. Every soldier and officer who was member of the Wehrmacht had to swear a personal oath of loyaltiy to the Führer Adolf Hitler as he was namend. The picture of the wehrmacht has very much changed since the mid 1990s when proofs came to public that the Wehrmacht was involved in many warcrimes, too - not just the SS. Finally the SS can be seen as a part of the Wehrmacht because it was organisationally under the sphere of power of the OKW (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht).


- it´s written wrong but it´s clear what is meant: Even though the term Wehrmacht is originally not from the nazis and was mentioned in files after WW I the German Military was officially named like this in 1935. Every soldier and officer who was member of the Wehrmacht had to swear a personal oath of loyaltiy to the Führer Adolf Hitler as he was namend. The picture of the wehrmacht has very much changed since the mid 1990s when proofs came to public that the Wehrmacht was involved in many warcrimes, too - not just the SS. Finally the SS can be seen as a part of the Wehrmacht because it was organisationally under the sphere of power of the OKW (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht).


- nazi or nazism: Nazism or National Socialism is a radical antisemitic, racist, anti-communistic and anti-democratic mentality. It refers to the "ideology" of the nazis and Adolf Hitler.


- Thor Steinar is a fashion brand which is linked to the neo-nazi community. The clothing of this brand is forbidden in many football stadiums around europe. It will be forbidden, too to wear clothing of the brand in all stadiums during the European Championships in Austria and Switzerland in summer 2008.
- here it is even linked directly to neo-nazism with the number code "88": The "88" is the number code for the Hitler Salute "Heil Hitler". Two times the eight letter of the alphabet.


- This was an extermination camp where 250.000 people were killed. In 1943 there was a revolt in the camp and about 300 prisoners escaped. The nazis started manhunts and killed those they found (only 47 of the escaped survived). After that all other prisoners in the camp were killed and the camp was closed. Like in Belzec the camp was demolished and on the territory a farm was build and a small forest was planted to camouflage what had happened.


- Third Reich or Nazi Germany refers to the time period in Germany when Adolf Hitler was in power. It is clearly linked to fascism, nazism, holocaust, aryanism and anti-semitism.


- The Master Race (Herrenrasse, Herrenvolk) was a Nazi ideology were Germanic and Nordic people represent an ideal and "pure race".


- C18 is a nationalsocialist terroristic organisation and the armed wing of the Blood and Honour network. The 18 stands for the first and eight letter of the alphabet A and H the initials of Adolf Hitler.


- White Power is like a slogan of neo-nazis. According to their white supremacy "ideology" white people are superior. It contains xenophobia, racial segregation, anti-semitism, racism and discrimination of other non-white groups.


- it´s written wrong but anyone knows what is meant:
- The KKK is a secret racist alliance. The mentality of supporters is linked to white supremacy, anti-Semitism, racism and homophobia.
- White Power is like a slogan of neo-nazis. According to their white supremacy "ideology" white people are superior. It contains xenophobia, racial segregation, anti-semitism, racism and discrimination of other non-white groups.

Dienstag, 1. Juli 2008


- THIS IS REALLY AN EVIL CASE: Eichmann is known as "the architec of the Holocaust". He was facilitating and managing the logistics of the massdeportations into the ghettos and extermination camps. He was condemned of war crimes and crimes against humanity. Eichmann was the paradigm of a "desk murderer" even though he ruled some deportations himself and visited extermination camps and watched executions. All for just one reason: to econonmize the methodology of the massmurder.


- it should mean "wehrmacht" i guess and linked to "ss" both should be removed:
- The SS was founded as a special organisation to protect Adolf Hitler. In the Nuremberg Trials the SS was condemned to be a criminal organisation because of it´ key role in the holocaust and other war crimes and crimes against humanity. Part of the SS were so-called "Death Squads" which were founded to retaliate upon civilians in occupied countries if a member of the SS or Wehrmacht was injured or killed by the local resistance. Often whole villages and small cities were wiped out.
- Even though the term Wehrmacht is originally not from the nazis and was mentioned in files after WW I the German Military was officially named like this in 1935. Every soldier and officer who was member of the Wehrmacht had to swear a personal oath of loyaltiy to the Führer Adolf Hitler as he was namend. The picture of the wehrmacht has very much changed since the mid 1990s when proofs came to public that the Wehrmacht was involved in many warcrimes, too - not just the SS. Finally the SS can be seen as a part of the Wehrmacht because it was organisationally under the sphere of power of the OKW (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht).


i removed the team because of the comment. i can´t really say whether it´s freedom of artistic expression or whatever you call it.

- on the hat of the logo you can see the skull of the ss and the so called reichsadler but it´s to tiny to see the swastika.


- well, just have a look at the stadiumname. but mussolini is no go either.