Donnerstag, 24. Juli 2008


- volkssturm (written wrong here): the army of non-soldiers was named volkssturm because in the last days of wwII there were no soldiers left so anyone who could hold a rifle or gun became part of the military - even kids and i think women, too. many of them died because they had no idea of what they were doing and they had to fight. so against the military and strategy of the alies they had no chance. often people just walking on the streets were like kidnaped and became soldiers. there even exist photos of executions of people who normally would have been soldiers but tried to escape by leaving the cities.
- nazi: Nazism or National Socialism is a radical antisemitic, racist, anti-communistic and anti-democratic mentality. It refers to the "ideology" of the nazis and Adolf Hitler.
- hitlerjugend: The Hitler Youth was a paramilitary organization of the Nazi Party.

- ultranacionalist: well maybe it´s not against the rules to name a stadium like this but it shows clearly the mentality of the user i would say.

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