Donnerstag, 20. März 2008


- ths is a white power moron. the fist on the logo is the "white power" (and "white pride world wide") fist - just make an image research on google (by typing: white power fist). this version is very popular among neo-nazis. it´s a combination of the logo of the fashion brand "fred perry" and the white power fist. it´s quite easy to recognize because it has a very eye-catching "V" (standing on the head) with high recognizability.


- Blood and Honour (Blut und Ehre) is a neo-nazi network which aim was to transport the nationalsocialist "ideology" into the british skinhead scene. The words Blut und Ehre were engraved in the knives of the Hitler-Youth and the racial policy of the nazis included the term.


- Kategorie C has two components. In first place the police names violent fangroups or hooligans like this - often you can´t draw a line between hooligans and rightextremist fans here. The second component is a german rock-band with this name. Even though it´s said to be a "rock" band they are clearly linked to the neo-nazi scene. The band takes about every opportunity to play concerts and festivals with neo-nazi-bands. They even played a solidarity concert for a imprisoned adjudged neo-nazi.


- Legion Condor is a Wehrmachts Corps which gained notoriety for the bombing of the spanish city Gernica. Even though the soldiers knew there were only civilians in the city they bombed it and shot from planes the people in the streets. They told they wanted to destroy the bridge of the city which was not hit by a single bomb during all the attacks (about 9-12).


- legion88 is like division88 quite popular among neo-nazis to make a statement. linked to "ss" - which is obviously not meant in the italian way and the user is from france - it´s getting even clearer.

Dienstag, 18. März 2008


- nazi stands for a national socialist. it´s here clearly linked to fascism with mussolini who is a no-go in ht afaik.


- sieg heil: hitler salute.


- This is the title of book written by Adolf Hitler.


- This is the most popular neo-nazi code! 14 stands for "14 words" (a racial slogan) and "88" for "Heil Hitler" (the Hitler Salute). It is often used to show the mentality and/or as salutation in emails etc.


- Auschwitz(-Birkenau) is the largest of the nazi concentration and extermination camps. About 1,1 million people were murdered in the camp. Auschwitz is the german name which was given to the camp by the nazis. The name of the polish city nearby the camp is Oswiecim.


- (ss)hitler reffering to the schutzstaffel and hitler: no comment. or maybe this: the guy registrated with the name. crap registration control!


- adolf hitler: no comment!


- The name refers to a BBC documentary about the fangroup "Headhunters" of the club. Among the group racism was widespread and they were even linked to the organisations like Combat 18. Several members were imprisoned.


- the "npd" is a right wing political party in germany. isn´t any political "statement" forbidden? at least it should for those guys.

Dienstag, 4. März 2008


- this guy is a fucking idiot!
- logo from the ss totenkopfverbände: The SS-Totenkopfverbände were like a Sonderkommando to guard the concentration and extermination camps. Later during the period of the Third Reich the Totenkopfverbände were included in the Waffen SS. The organisation commited a large number of war crimes and was mainly involved in the "Endlösung der Judenfrage" The Final Solution to the Jewish Question).
- fanclub "Horst Wessel": he was a high SA (Sturmabteilung) member and wrote the lyrics for the Horst-Wessel-Lied which was the hymn of the NSDAP. (Sturmabteilung: The SA was the paramilitary organisation of the NSDAP and very much responsible for the rise to power of Adolf Hitler. The SA gained notoriety with the so-called "Night of the long Knives" as people told but what Hitler called Röhm-Putsch. To cut the power of Hitler Röhm and some politicians tried to partly isolate him. So Hitler ordered to kill Röhm and 84 other rivals.)
- alias "rijkskanseller": this refers to Adolf Hitler who was officially from 1933 on Reichskanzler.
jersey: on the jerseys of the team the "SS"-rune (sig rune) can be seen: the sign of the schutzstaffel. (SS: The SS was founded as a special organisation to protect Adolf Hitler. In the Nuremberg Trials the SS was condemned to be a criminal organisation because of it´ key role in the holocaust and other war crimes and crimaes against humanity. Part of the SS were so-called "Death Squads" which were founded to retaliate upon civilians in occupied countries if a member of the SS or Wehrmacht was injured or killed by the local resistance. Often whole villages and small cities were wiped out.)

well, a good example of the wack ht-system.


- Heß was Hitlers deputy and has because of his lifelong imprisonement the status of a martyr among neo-nazis. He played a key role in the Holocaust and was responsible for racist laws.