Samstag, 31. Januar 2009


oskar dirlewanger was a world war II officer of the schutzstaffel - ss. he commanded the infamous ss-sturmbrigade named after him "dirlewanger". the unit was made out of amnestied germans convicted of major crimes.

in 1934 dirlewanger was convicted of the rape of a 13-year old girl and molesting other underage girls and he was sentenced to two years imprisonment. he was able to leave after intervention of his nazi friend and later ss-obergruppenführer gottlob berger. at the beginning of the wwII dirlewanger volunteered for the waffen-ss and received the rank of obersturmführer.

there was the idea for a military unit made up of convicted criminals. heinrich himmler thought that convicted criminals could be reformed and used as second line units on the eastern front against the partisans. however a lack of poachers meant that the division soon began accepting hardened career criminals and convicts - rapists, child molesters, murderers.
dirlewangers unit was employed in the fight against partisans in the occupied soviet union where they gained a reputation for extreme brutality, including indiscriminate murder of civilians of all gender and age, rape and other excesses and looting.

dirlewangers unit was used in the suppression of the warsaw uprising at the specific request of himmler, who was so deeply enraged at the continued resistance of the warsaw poles that he sought to utilize the units penchant for sadistic and bloodthirsty terrorism to quickly break the will of the remaining polish fighters. the first actions taken by the unit was to enter the hospitals and kill anyone. on the streets of warsaw everybody was shot who did not hide in buildings. people surviving those action tell that it was nearly impossible to walk through the streets when the unit had left because it was all slippery because of the blood.
by this stage in the units history, the brigades ethos had become so degenerate and indiscriminate that himmler was forced to detail several companies of military police to protect nearby german units and ensure the dirlewanger men only targeted the poles. the unit was encouraged by himmler to terrorize freely, take no prisoners, and generally indulge their perverse tendencies. favored tactics of the dirlewanger men during the siege reportedly included the ubiquitous gang rape of female poles - women and children - playing "bayonet catch" with live babies, slashing people to death and torturing captives to death by hacking off their arms, dousing them with gasoline, and setting them alight to run armless and flaming down the street. the dirlewanger brigade committed almost nonstop atrocities during this period. Another insane tactics was to watch people dying after giving them strychnine injections.
a letter of dirlewanger to his friend berger is documenting that dirlewanger sold polish women to ss to one of the headquarters of the ss for 2 bottles of schnaps, each.
in 1943 dirlewanger developped a way to solve the problem of mines on the streets: he rounded the people living in the area up and they had to walk through the minefields.

crazy eh that it´s possible that you can play with such a name! btw: two days ago a GM got a ticket from me because i was posting something about dirlewanger in a conference which was immediately deleted! so i told him that i think it´s pretty funny that he erased my posting but didn´t erase the name of this user. a day later he told me he´ll take care. still today the name is there.


- what as asshole!!! the logo cotains a part of the logo of the ss-totenkopfverbände (guards of the nazi-concentration camps). "sangre y honor" is the translation of the hitleryouth slogan "blut und ehre". the neo-nazi network "blood & honour" is named after this. rudolf in context refers to rudolf hess and "18" is the code for adolf hitler.















- this is the guy who sent me a HT-mail with saluting with "heil hitler" as the end. the names were already removed after GMs heard that some user wanted to elect him into the german top ten at the nationalcoach elections in germany.


- fiamma tricolore is a right-wing party in italy. one of the politicians of the party got "famous" when proposing in the parliament that the italian navy/military should fire on the ships and boats with refugees to sink them and protect the italian country.


- sturmwehr is a neo-nazi band!











- some seem not even able to write stupid things correctly - well it fits perfectely together.




- no comment!

Dienstag, 27. Januar 2009

it´s election time!

well well well, normally it would have been kind of boring to look at the top ten. but these days it´s a bit different!
btw: the moment i post this there is no more a top ten list but only a top nine. the guy with the rudolf hess stadium doesn´t seem to be that bad so GMs decided obviously to keep him in the election! hell, what a bad decision.
here is the screenshot of the list from this morning:

Mittwoch, 7. Januar 2009


- aryan and white supremacy! i guess it speaks for itself.


- White Power is like a slogan of neo-nazis. According to their white supremacy "ideology" white people are superior. It contains xenophobia, racial segregation, anti-semitism, racism and discrimination of other non-white groups.
- Thor Steinar is a fashion brand which is linked to the neo-nazi community. The clothing of this brand is forbidden in many football stadiums around europe. It was forbidden, too to wear clothing of the brand in all stadiums during the European Championships in Austria and Switzerland in summer 2008.
- The "88" is the number code for the Hitler Salute "Heil Hitler". Two times the eight letter of the alphabet.


- ahnenerbe: the ahnenerbe was like a school or university called "studiengesellschaft für geistesurgeschichte, deutsches ahnenerbe e.V. it was founded by heinrich himmler, herman wirth and richard walther darré. the goal was to research cultural history of the aryan race. his theories are racist anti-semitic. during his whole life he defended the ideology of the third reich.
- thule refers to the thule society in this case. a antisemtic society which is linked to hitlers nazi-party.


- ku klux klan/kkk: The KKK is a secret racist alliance. The mentality of supporters is linked to white supremacy, anti-Semitism, racism and homophobia.


- well, even though it is not written correctly we all know what the stadiumname is.


- the team is already on this blog for a long time because of using the neonazi-code 1488 in the alias. now there is even a ya including "HJ" for hitler-youth.


- kreuzfeuer is a neo-nazi-band from germany with racist and nationalsocialist lyrics.