Dienstag, 20. Mai 2008


- The Leibstandarte was the paramilitary personal bodyguard regiment of Adolf Hitler. It was part of the SS and involved in the attack on Poland. As part of the SS it is seen, too as a criminal organisation.

- The SS-Totenkopfverbände were like a Sonderkommando to guard the concentration and extermination camps. Later during the period of the Third Reich the Totenkopfverbände were included in the Waffen SS. The organisation commited a large number of war crimes and was mainly involved in the "Endlösung der Judenfrage" The Final Solution to the Jewish Question).

- Wewelsburg as it is corret written is a castle in Germany. Himmler wanted to install a leadership school for SS members in the castle. If you have a look at wiki you´ll see the nazi-history of the castle for which it still is very popular among neo-nazis.

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